Saturday, July 23, 2011

Dear Suggestions?,

considering the circumstantial evidence, it seems your post of 07/09/11 contains some reference to my blog. i guess i don't know you well enough to decipher the subtleties behind an obvious agenda of (some form of) provocation on your part--whether it be mocking or benign jocularity--it's possible you expect(ed) a response. and so: Here it is! here is a short story and some things i have to say to you (although some of them i may have already said to you, i fail to remember exactly what i did or didn't say):
first of all, you write a really mean blog post. and when i say mean, i mean it like "she cooks a really mean omlette." meaning it's really enjoyable to read about your life.
i feel validated in giving you acknowledgement on my blog as one of those" grand people who impact my life and thoughts" (see blog subtitle^).
this semi-short story explains why:
one day a long time ago, i went on several dates with a friend of yours. as you can imagine, i facebook stalked him. you happened to be in several of his pictures, along with several other guys that i had already met. like any typical time-waster, i clicked on your name, because i hadn't met you. at the time, your blog link was under your name. the url intrigued me. that's how it all got started. facebook can do horrible things to increase one's time on the internet, with all the links to youtube and so forth, besides just being facebook in the first place. this particular opportunity for procrastination struck me at the time as a diversion nonpareil (i.e. plunging into the archives of the blogspot world would add a whole new dimension to my virtual sphere of peers, previously a domain circumfused with only the jejune and diluted details of a facebook newsfeed). i thought, what it would be like to read an autobiographical blog of a peer? i'd kept track of john mayer's blog-like thing on his website the summer of 2009, through which i amounted to a fan (weak at best, unto this day having made no financial contribution to his franchise amounting to more than $1.29 on itunes). Oh, and i almost forgot about how my roommate encouraged a joint-blog effort in 2008 that we've never stuck to, through which i amounted to nothing. today, thanks to your self-promoting (but now extinct) "write something about yourself" box, i currently follow: a variety of people i've just met, the nascent blogs of some of my best friends, and even a BYU professor's photography blog. and now, loaves and fishes, i have my own blog! all of which will lead to countless hours within a vortex of procrastination and through which i will continue to amount to nothing. thanks a lot bean boy! i blame you for this all! haha...
i'm glad we finally had the opportunity to have some good conversation (although, had i presicently suspected our chinwag to continue for six hours that day, i would have commenced at a slower pace!), and i hope we have some good times again later this summer.
your friend,
p.s. my Suggestion? keep blogging.

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